Inspiraton from Canada for KUET Robot

Skim-H seems to be a Japanese nick for it. Do you have
any foreign student in the team. Anyways, a great
achievement. As far I know, the popular wireless
device in North America called the BLACK BERRY once
came out from some students attempt for their
university project. There are a lot of good innovative
products come out of these type of projects.

Again > congratulation. I have a question - that how
do you manage fiscal allotments for the equipments
used in this type of project? I mean - is there any
budget for your department?

What level of programing was involved? Did you modify
any existing device to execute/ input commands for it?

Is there any future / prospective value for this
project? Whereas, a business / a dedicated R&D deal
can do a lot for this product development.

Have you already contacted with any company that they
are most likely to be a buyer/ investor of this
project. I believe- oil companies/ mining/ research/
amusement/ military/ sea exploration/ forestry /
survay organizations can be interested on your

If you find that your product can quality a low cost
production possibility with a greater commitment..

can even contact with the foreign investors/
universities in Canada, Australia ...and secure the
patent 1st....AGAIN - SECURE THE PATENT 1ST...whatever
you have it..then make further
.someone will share the piece of
s how the white race is created..You may
only find a giveaway project than a real amusement of
your creation..

Wishes for your baby.... :)

Last thing- How will it appear? as a toy? as a digger?
as a sweeper? as a mover? as a surveillance system? as
a messenger? as a carrier? as a fixer? as a explorer?
as a what?..what'
s you plan?

Look in my campus- I saw students of Robotics
department came out with strange types of robots...You
must have a superb capability in your project to hit
the winning JACKPOT....So, that your university's
name, your names..your financial status..your
department's budget will be tuned forever...

It's really inspiring to the future students/ senior
students to have such a project that there will be new
stakeholders/ new interest investors..and
new career opportunities.
..Who are goin to
move KHULNA! :) Congratulation!

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